CA-C4P: Problem Solving Lab using C
Write, and execute C program for the following:
1. to read radius of a circle and to find area and circumference
2. to read three numbers and find the biggest of three
3. to check whether the number is prime or not
4. to read a number, find the sum of the digits, reverse the number and
check it for palindrome
5. to read numbers from keyboard continuously till the user presses
999 and to find the sum of only positive numbers
6. to read percentage of marks and to display appropriate message
(Demonstration of else-if ladder
7. to find the roots of quadratic equation
8. to read marks scored by n students and find the average of marks
(Demonstration of single dimensional array)
9. to remove Duplicate Element in a single dimensional Array
10. to perform addition and subtraction of Matrices
11. to find factorial of a number
12. to generate fibonacci series
13. to remove Duplicate Element in a single dimensional Array
14. to find the length of a string without using built in function
15. to demonstrate string functions
16. to read, display and add two m x n matrices using functions
17. to read a string and to find the number of alphabets, digits, vowels, consonants, spaces and special
18. to Swap Two Numbers using Pointers
19. to demonstrate student structure to read & display records of n
20. to demonstrate the difference between structure & union.