Total Teaching Hours: 48 No. of Hours / Week: 03
UNIT-I [12 Hours]
Introduction and Overview: Definition, Elementary data organization, Data Structures, data Structures
operations, Abstract data types, algorithms complexity, time-space trade off. Preliminaries: Mathematical
notations and functions, Algorithmic notations, control structures, Complexity of algorithms, asymptotic
notations for complexity of algorithms. Arrays: Definition, Linear arrays, arrays as ADT, Representation of
Linear Arrays in Memory,Traversing Linear arrays, Inserting and deleting, Multi-dimensional arrays,
Matrices and Sparse matrices.
UNIT-II [12 Hours]
Linked list: Definition, Representation of Singly Linked List in memory,Traversing a Singly linked list,
Searching in a Singly linked list, Memory allocation, Garbage collection, Insertion into a singly linked list,
Deletion from a singly linked list; Doubly linked list, Header linked list, Circular linked list. Stacks:
Definition, Array representation of stacks, Linked representation of stacks, Stack as ADT, Arithmetic
Expressions: Polish Notation, Conversion of infix expression to postfix expression, Evaluation of Post fix
expression, Application of Stacks, Recursion, Towers of Hanoi, Implementation of recursive procedures by
stack. Queues: Definition, Array representation of queue, Linked list representation of queues. Types of
queue: Simple queue, Circular queue, Double-ended queue, Priority queue, Operations on Queues,
Applications of queues.
UNIT-III [12 Hours]
Binary Trees: Definitions, Tree Search, Traversal of Binary Tree, Tree Sort, Building a Binary Search Tree,
Height Balance: AVL Trees, Contiguous Representation of Binary Trees: Heaps, Lexicographic Search Trees:
Tries, External Searching: B-Trees, Applications of Trees. Graphs: Mathematical Back ground, Computer
Representation, Graph Traversal, Topological Sorting
UNIT-IV [12 Hours]
Searching: Introduction and Notation, Sequential Search, Binary Search, Comparison of Methods. Sorting:
Introduction and Notation, Insertion Sort, Selection Sort, Shell Sort, Divide And Conquer, Merge sort for
Linked List, Quick sort for Contiguous List. Hashing: Sparse Tables, Choosing a Hash function, Collision
Resolution with Open Addressing, Collision Resolution by Chaining.
Text Books:
1. Seymour Lipschutz, “Data Structures with C”, Schaum’s outLines, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2011.
2. Robert Kruse, C.L.Tondo, Bruce Leung,Shashi Mogalla,“Data Structures and Program Design using C”,
Pearson Education, 2009.
1. Mark Allen Weiss,“ Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C”, Second Edition, Pearson Education,
2. Forouzan,“A Structured Programming Approach using C”,2 nd Edition, Cengage LearningIndia,2008